Beautiful by "Beautiful, you're beautiful...." D'Arcy, wearing a pink ruffly dress (kinda childish, nothing wrong with childish of course), with her short hair in 2 french braids, sits on the bleachers at a school dance, all by herself. she has her head resting on her hands and has a sorta forlorn, lonely look upon her face. "Wonderful, you're wonderful, as wonderful as they come..." she's staring at a guy(captain of the football team) who is standing by the front door talking to his friends. she sees him point over at her (she's shocked). "and i can't help but feel attached to the feelings i can't even match, with my face pressed up to the glass, wanting you." football boy walks over to her, and asks her to dance. she smiles, stands up, and goes with him. they dance for a few minutes, then the football guy looks over at his friends, and starts to laugh. the camera turns away from them, and shows billy in a white tux shirt, and black pants. he is talking to james and james' girlfriend (black suit-james, long yellow slip dress-james' chick). every once in a while billy looks over at d'arcy longingly. "beautiful, you're beautiful, as beautiful as the sky..." d'arcy looks over too, and sees them pointing and laughing at her. the captain looks at d'arcy and cracks up. she starts to cry, and runs out of the gym. billy sees her, and quickly walks over to the guy. he grabs him by the collar. it looks like billy is saying "what's you're problem? she's more than you'll ever be." with that, he leaves the gym to find d'arcy. "...who you'll love and who you won't" he finds her crouched in a corner by the lockers, crying. he goes over to her, and touches her shoulder. she looks up at him, and he smiles really sweetly at her. with the smile still on his face, he crouches next to her, takes her hands in his, and stand up. "and i love you, as you love me..." the camera shows the entrance door (billy and d'arcy are not in the picture cuz the camera is in front of them). then, suddenly, billy and d'arcy walk in, hand in hand(their hands are above their heads, reminicent of when beauty and the beast danced for the first time) D'Arcy is now all dressed up in a layered red satin formal (hair done up in a french twist with red flowers poking out of the back here and there), bald billy in a full black tux, with a baby blue ruffle shirt on instead of a white shirt. they looks at each other and smile. (the football player sees her and is kicking himself for not being better to her. "so let the clouds roll by your face" everyone clears the dance floor (the gym is now a ballroom) and billy and d'arcy start to dance. they're looking into each others eyes, yada yada yada, y'know the whole romantic thing. "we'll let the world spin off to another place" when billy spins d'arcy, the whole room becomes blurry except for the two of them. when d'arcy stops spinning, they are the only ones in the room. (they are in their own little world) "we'll climb the tallest tree above it all..." they dance on, in their own world. "don't let your life wrap up around you..." they get closer and closer, then the kiss. billy sings to her "i'll be her just waiting for you..." as the song ends, they are back in the gym, the only two on the dance floor (the kids made a circle around them), and they're back in their original clothes. the captain is standing there pretending that nothing happened. d'arcy and billy look over at him, laugh, then look back at each other, still laughing. as their laughing fades, they just smile. d'arcy hugs billy around the neck, he to her around the waist. then they let go a little, look each other in the eyes, and kiss. the camera zooms in on their lips, then fades to white.