Transformer by At the start of the song when u hear " hit it! " u see a stack of bottles get knocked down by a ball. During the guitaring you see Billy in a cheesy uniform handing a kid a pig stuff toy.( sort of like the jellybelly pig ) Then you see a girl by a fortune teller's table,the fortune teller is Darcy.The girl gets up and walks off, while running off, a kinda of geeky boy looks at her. The next shot is Billy handing another stuff toy to another person, "a livewire moves slow " Billy sings this while looking at a a neon sign with the words PYTHON slowly being illuminated. " a transformer always knows" You see the same girl from the fortune tellers walk slowly walk to a snakette hut. "the score is four " You see the same nerdy kid playing a arcade game,while he is playing..he looks at the girl walking.His score so far in the arcade game is four. "leaves you hanging on the floor " You see Billy singing while moping the floor inside the snackette hut. He is in a different uniform. "for more and less and more of the blame" You see the same girl sitting down on a bench infront of the snackette hut,looking at her watch.(She looks like she has been stood up) "and she's tired" The same nerdy boy gets his order from Billy, it has two burgers and two sodas.(Possibly he ordered for the girl) "and she's sick of the same old shit" The boy while walking to the bench trips and throws the tray which he was carrying the food on the bench table. "it's just more of the same old same " You see the soda from the tray splash over the bench table and onto the girl. " i know she wants more and more and more to witness" The girl gets up and screams at the nerdy boy. "to lay down and bear true"The girl walks off, the boy runs off after her. He reaches to her. "a cherry onion.."You see Billy again at a small cart,he is wearing a different uniform,he is giving a person a stick of candy cane. "..firefly" You see the boy catch a firefly, he gives it to the same girl,she laughs. "tastes sweet and white" You see a group of kids eating cotton candy and popcorn. "as you are blue" You see James helping people in a roller coaster.He is in a uniform. "knows just what she wants to do" You see Darcy as the fortune teller looking into a crystal ball. "with you below the silver skies" Darcy is looking in the crystal ball, in it you see the two kids giving each other kisses. " don't hate her because she's undecided" James helps the two kids into the roller coaster.The coaster starts up. "and she's tired" The coaster starts to climb the tracks,it's at the peak of dropping. "it's just more of the same old same" The coaster drops,the kids start to scream. "i know she wants more and more and more to stomach" The kids go sideways in the roller coaster, laughing they heads off. "in honor of her youth" The kids put their hands up,screaming. "she's not sorry she's happy " The coaster slows down,stops infront of James. James tells them the ride has finished. "sorry she's happy " You see Billy singing dumping a gabage bagg in the trash.. "she's not sorry she's happy " The kids get up off the roller coaster.James points to the exit. "sorry she's happy as a turtle" Darcy is looking at the crystal ball. "she's a real live transformer" The girl and the boy start to walk to the exit of the roller coaster ride, During the ending riff, you see Billy enter the fortune tellers,they both look at the crystal ball, James walks in, all of them start to look at the crystal ball. In the crystal ball, you see the boy and girl leave the fair holding hands. Billy,James,and Darcy start to laugh happily.