
Two keys, crossed
A bat
A hand holding a ring between thumb and forefinger
Skull and crossbones
A butterfly
A star
Cherub's head and shoulders
A mask
A hand held up
An arm, holding a hammer
A rose
An hourglass with bat wings
A dog
A car
An apple
Two rings, entwined with a ribbon
A pocket watch
A sun
A rainbow suspended between two clouds
A tree
A woman in a long dress
A bird inside a ring
A man riding a bug of some kind
A chiselled half-moon
A coiled snake
A ladder
A jumping pig
A bird reading a book
A bee with a boy's face, blowing a horn
A man sitting on a tightrope
An anchor
A shooting star
Three links in a chain
A deer
Front cover
Rabbits playing baseball
Animals smoking
Two girls in a field
A wedding
Birds in a plane
Band picture and credits
Back cover

Front cover
Inside front cover (signed by Billy, D'arcy, Jimmy and James)
Back cover

Front cover
A smudge
Woman's chest with locket
Two fish in a pan
Band picture (inlay)
Back cover

Front cover
Front cover (signed by Billy and Jimmy)
The SP heart
Band pictures
Back cover

Front cover
Booklet page one (Bugg)
Booklet page two
Band picture
Back cover

Singles (front cover)
Singles (inside front cover)
Singles (back cover)

Smell the Fuzz (front cover)
Smell the Fuzz (inside front cover)
Smell the Fuzz (back cover)

Ransom (front cover)
Ransom (inside front cover)
Ransom (back cover)

Lost Highway (front cover)
Lost Highway (inside front cover)
Lost Highway (back cover)

Batman & Robin (front cover)
Batman & Robin (back cover)