B E N E F I T  W I T H  B E A U T I F U L  P E O P L E

  1. To Sheila
  2. Ava Adore
  3. Tonight, Tonight
  4. Set the Ray to Jerry
  5. 1979
  6. Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  7. Eye
  8. Beautiful People
  9. X.Y.U.
  10. Muzzle

Banging Disc / BA-006 (spine), BA-005 (disc) 00:49:13
Tracks 1-10: Shoreline Amphitheater; Mountain View, CA, USA, 18 Oct 1997; audience; acoustic.
Track 2 is mislabeled as 'Eva Adore'. Track 6 is mislabeled as 'Bullet'. Tracks 8,9 feature The Smashing Pumpkins playing with Marilyn Manson and Twiggy Ramirez.