C A L I F O R N I A  N I G H T M A R E

  1. Behold! The NightMare
  2. Eye
  3. Set The Ray To Jerry
  4. Ava Adore
  5. To Shelia
  6. 1979
  7. X.Y.U.
  8. Bullet With Butterfly
  9. Wings
  10. Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans

California Nitemare

EXP / EXP-026 50:37
Tracks 1-9: Shoreline Amplitheter; Mountain View, USA; Oct 19 1997; audience; acoustic.
Track 1 is mislabeled as 'Nightmare.' Track 4 is mislabled as 'Eva Adore.'  Track 9 is with John Popper of Blues Traveller on harmonica.