Title: Siva Artist: The Smashing Pumpkins Tuning: Normal Riff1-1 Riff1-2 G|----------|----------------------| D|----------|----------------------| A|----------|5-7-7-7------5-7-7b8b7| E|0-7--0-5--|--------0--0----------| Play Riff1-1 and then Riff1-2 a bunch of times. Then play Riff1-1, Riff1-2 a bunch then instead of 1-1: Riff1-3 G|---------| D|---------| A|---------| E|0-3--0-5-| Just Follow D'arcy. Then after playing Riff 1-3 for the 2nd or third time: Riff2 G|-----------------------------------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------------------------------| A|---7---------------7---------------7-----------7--5--------------| E|0-----0-3--0-5--0-----0-7--0-5--0-----0-3--0-5------7--6--5--3---| play Riff2 twice Play the Riff1 thing again then after "get there faster": Riff3 G|----------------------| Then hold a D (5 on a A), D|----------------------| then an E. A|----------------------| E|3-5-5-5-0--0-3-5-5-0--| Then there's this little quiet part: G|----9--------------------------------7-| D|--9---9-------9-----7------4-4-5-5-7---| A|7-------7---7---7-5---5--7-------------| E|----------7----------------------------| Play that twice then: G|----5------------| D|--5-----------5--| A|3------3---3-----| E|-----------------| Then play Riff3 with this at the end Riff4 G|---------------| Play Riff1-3 once in the middle, then hold D|---------------| an A after a few more Riff4s, then some more A|2-------2------| 4's, and end on a high E (7 on A). E|--5-3-0---5-3-0| Then it gets quiet again: Riff5 G|------------| hold an E then... D|------------| A|7-7-7--7-7--| E|-----------7| It gets loud: G|--------------------------| D|--------------------------| over and over... A|--------------------------| E|0--0h0--0h0--0h0-0h0--0--| then play Riff3 again for a while, and ritardo at the end, and then you're done. ------- This tab was made by Dave Silverman and is copyrighted to Sad Machines. It is is not allowed to be posted elsewhere. http://spaa.simplenet.com/sadmachines/