Tablature is a musical notation for those of us that aren't that good at reading
real sheet music. It simply denotes each string on the guitar and which fret to
play, when and how. For an in-depth explanation of tablature please refer to the Tablature Explained Web
Page or the guide to tab notation.
The tablature was written by a number of authors (not including me). To see the names
of those responsible go to the credits page. All the tablature files
have been re-formatted so that all transcriptions are easy to read. Unfortunately, these are only interpretations. Some of them are quite accurate, but
some are a little off the mark. I can't publish transcriptions from released tab
books here because it would be a violation of copyright laws. Simple, really!! (Assuming you are using Netscape) there are two methods:
The transcriptions are in DOS-text format. I suggest printing from an editor that
allows 80 characters per line (ie. the old MS-DOS Editor).
You can pretty much use the transcriptions for anything but do not infringe on
copyright laws. The transcriptions remain the intellectual property of the authors. Unless otherwise stated, songs are in standard tuning (E,A,D,G,B,E).
Turn the brightness of your monitor up to full!! Rotten Apples has a small bass tab
archive which is always growing. It also has a immense guitar archive also. There
are no sites dedicated to piano scores, but try,
you may find a link to what you are looking for there!