I, David Silverman, reserve rights to all content on this site.

Visitors are free to use anything on this site for personal use only!

Everything on this was originally created by me and therefore property of me. Except for the following: Mp3 files linked to the Audio Archive courtesy of Joshua Provost. Articles about D'arcy files courtesy of Nikki's Newststand. Pictures from various web sites including Soma, The Smashing pumpkins Collection, The Burlap Pumpkin Page, Luna, and The Smashing Pumpkins Web Site. The biography was used from Luna. All tabs, imagemaps, pages, headings, graphics, and anything else found on this page are illegal to distribute. If any of the content on this page is found elsewhere, the owner of that page can be sued.

All of the songs tabbed are property of The Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan, or the Starchildren.

If you would like to link to my page, please e-mail me and let me know. I will let you. If you want to link directly to the tabs, that is prohibited. You are only allowed to link to the main page.  If you do decide to link to my page, you can either make a text link, or use the following image to use as a banner for the link:

Thank you for cooperating.

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