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Name: D'arcy Wretzky-Brown
Band Position: Bass guitarist
Born: Michigan 5/1/68
High school: D'arcy went to L.C. Mohr in South Haven
Educated: Got no edukasion
Musical Career: Classical violin and oboe player
Favorite Singles: Flaming Lips "everyone wants to live forever"
Favorite Albums: Beatles "white album", Jesus and Mary Chain "Psycho Candy", nirvana "bleach"
Favorite Bands: Beatles, Pussy Galore, Nirvana, Stooges, Queen, Rolling Stones
Favorite Songwriters: Billy Corgan, Syd Barrett, Lennon/McCartney, Kurt Cobain
Favorite Films / TV Shows: Star Trek, any bad b-movies up to the 70s.
Biggest Influence On Career: People I Hate
Residence: Chicago, IL
Make Of Instrument: Fender P Bass

from the siamese dream notes:
my love to everyone who has a hand in holding me back from the edge these past couple of years: the band, my family, kerry and all those browns, rebecca, rob, katy, shelly, jim, karen, the luries, benny and the hayes, chris and susie, aneta and andrew, jillian, isa, marco and joyce, patric tilon (i'm eating as much as i can), magda, red red meat and red haired molly, gary elvis, tin, christen and bobby, and all the bands who so generously shared with us their pain, pleasure and the common cold...love, d'arcy

Sorry the current selection is so limited, there will be more coming.

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