There have been many generous contributions to Sad Machines, for which I am in great debt. Here is the list of them that I could think of off the top of my head. If you feel you should be on here, but are not, just e-mail me because it must have slipped my mind. Otherwise, please e-mail these people to thank them, it can't be done enough. Here they are in alphabetical order:

Eric Agnew - A bunch of the images of D'arcy were taken from Eric's great web site, Luna.

Sebastian Boschert - A good number of pictures were taken from Sebastion's Pumpkin Page, most were video images.

Chris Carman and Shyla Gorman - A great deal of pictures were swiped from The Smashing Pumpkins Web Site

Nikki Christoff - All of the articles about D'arcy were swiped from Nikki's Smashing Pumpkins News Stand. Thanks a lot Nikki!

Simon Coyle - Simon inspired the site theme layout page. I also have learned quite a few Java tricks from his page, The Burlap Pumpkin Page. His page is the very best for song information and lyrics. He also has the only complete Smashing Pumpkins songlist.

Steve Hemming - What a geat guy. He's got an awesome site (Smashing Pumpkins Collection) and he even let me borrow some of the D'arcy images

natural1 - Pictures were taken from The Smashing Jack-O-Lanterns Page

Koh Shan Pin - He's a really good guy with an awesome site, Soma. Some images and I think some videos were borrowed from him.

Joshua Provost - Where do I start? Josh has to be the greatest guy of all time. Not only did he discover my site and give me great comments, but he proceeded to helping me turn it into a halfway decent looking page for the first time. Then he offered me to move in with him at the old SimpleNet site. He's even the one that brought me into the super special secret Smashing Pumpkins Official Fan Club Site (which we both left, shortly afterward they went down). Then we moved to What a great guy. Now thanks to him thousands see my site every month. He's always been there for me when it comes to advice, favors, and even a little html-ing. He also let me link directly to his mp3 files which are from his great site The Smashing Pumpkins Audio Archive. Write him and tell him you love him.

Aaron Straub - All of the Real Audio files were very generously contributed by Aaron. They are linked directly to those at his sight, The Infinite Sadness.

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