![]() South Bend (IN) Tribune May 15, 1997 By Jennifer Martin--Tribune Staff Writer Smashing Gift for Animal Aid A few months ago, a woman was driving down a dark road, through ablinding snow, when she saw a Great Dane. The dog was lying in a lonely field, gnawing a bone. It was dying ofstarvation. The woman called her friend Sandie Beaver who picked the dog up. Beaveris a member of Animal Aid, a group that rescues abandoned animals. The next day, Beaver tracked down the dog's owner through her tags. Thename D'Arcy Wretzky didn't ring a bell until Beaver found out what she did for aliving. Wretzky is a singer and guitarist in the hit band Smashing Pumpkins. Turnedour she had a home in southwestern Michigan. Her Great Dane had been lost forweeks, and had wandered miles from home. When D'Arcy heard her dog was safely lodged at Beaver's home in BentonHarbor, she cried in relief, Beaver said. "She screamed, 'It's her, it's her, it's her!'"she said. The dog survived, and a friendship was struck between D'Arcy (who usesonly her first name professionally) and Beaver. D'Arcy, who grew up nearKalamazoo, bought a farm in the area several months ago. Her Great Danewandered away shortly after she moved in. Animal Aid President Chris Smither joked that the group was happy to rescueD'Arcy's Great Dane --and relieved when she picked it up. "We didn't know what we were going to do with it," she said with a laugh."It's not easy to foster a great big dog like that." By way of thanking the group, D'Arcy has donated a gift to their upcomingauction this Sunday -- a framed award encasing the band's 1995 CD "Mellon Collieand the Infinite Sadness". The award was presented by Virgin Records when theCD went gold, and D'Arcy autographed it for the auction. The award is one of hundreds of items that Animal Aid will auction off at 1p.m. Sunday at Martin Auction House, 6525 North U.S. 31, Berrien Springs. Alsoto be auctioned is a poster of Shawn Kemp playing basketball, signed by theSeattle Supersonic himself. D'Arcy was not available for comment because she was on the West Coastthis week. But through her sister, Kelly, who also lives on their southwestMichigan farm, the singer said the Smashing Pumpkins members are great animallovers. D'Arcy has a number of dogs and horses here. "My dog that Animal Aid rescued for me would have died the next daywithout their help," D'Arcy said. The singer's warmth and willingness to help Animal Aid took the group bysurprise. Beaver remembers going out to D'Arcy's farm to ask for an auctiondonation of some sort. D'Arcy wasn't there, but Kelly met her with enthusiasm. "You feel strange asking for something, but she didn't let me keep thatthought for long," Beaver said. "They're very nice people. She said, 'By allmeans, we'll give you something. Don't worry.'" Animal Aid has rescued hundreds of cats, dogs, kittens and puppies since itsinception eight years ago. All are spayed or neutered and given shots for free;most find new homes. None are destroyed unless they are seriously ill or injured. The group is staffed entirely by volunteers. Of the proceeds raised bySunday's auction, about 80 to 90 percent will pay for veterinary costs, which canrun up to $2000 a month. The rest will pay for pet food, cat litter, businesssupplies, and other miscellaneous costs. "We're very grateful (D'Arcy) donated (the CD)," said Smither. "We've hadsome great response from people who know about it .... They want to come to theauction." Smither said D'Arcy has also given the group "a very generous monetarydonation." "She's been extremely gracious with us," Smither said. Other items to be auctioned include McDonald's Beanie Babies, a $100 giftcertificate for veterinary services, two computer printers, Jim Beam collectorbottles, microwaves, an exercise bike, luggage, a step exerciser, a free-standingsauna, two dishwashers and other furniture and decorator items. The items can be viewed starting at 11 a.m., and the auction itself starts at 1p.m. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. |