The Beak
January 1997

Beak: What's your favoite topping on pizza?
D'arcy: Uh. Ha, ha, ha. I would say peppers.

Beak: What's your favorite fruit?
D'arcy: I don't know.

Beak: What is it like to own a record label?
D'arcy: Now that's uh, that would take a while, it's more fun than I thought it would be.

Beak: How did you learn to play bass?
D'arcy: Self taught.

Beak: Bikini's or briefs?
D'arcy: Oh...

Beak: You don't have to answer.
D'arcy: Definitely... you mean boxers?

Beak: Yeah, we ask all the guys.
D'arcy: I'd have to say boxers.

Beak: What's the best thing about being a girl?
D'arcy: Ha,ha,ha,ha...ha,ha,ha...

(Big interruption by fans asking for autographs)

D'arcy: Was that all or did you have more?

Beak: Actually there's a few more... what's the worst thing about being a girl?
D'arcy: Ha,ha,ha, (thinking) ha,ha, I can't think of anything right now.

Beak: What's your favorite animal?
D'arcy: I like all animals.

Beak: What's the first thing you would grab if your house was on fire?

D'arcy: My husband.

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