Pumpkin Fest
SPIN November 1996

Despite all the recent turmoil surrounding The Smashing Pumpkins, bassist/back-up singer D'arcy found time to plug her Scratchie label-which releases new albums from Chainsaw Kittens, Fulflej, and The Frogs this fall-during a raging summer party at the Chicago Indie Label Fest. "The high point of the evening was when Jimmy Frog swooped down over the crowd, plucked up the tender youths one by one, and devoured them," she reports. D'arcy runs the label with her husband, Kerry Brown; Pumpkins guitarist James Iha; and several other musicians. Asked if label tycoons David Geffen and Ahmet Eregun should be sweating over their new competition, D'arcy replied, "Who are these people?! Are you sure they're in the same league as us?"

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